Manifestation Basics for Authors

Manifestation Basics for Authors

As an author, I believe we all possess a unique ability to shape our writing journies and achieve our wildest dreams. This blog is designed to unlock the incredible power you have to manifest greater success in your writing career.

Manifestation is more than just wishful thinking; it’s a transformative process that allows you to align your thoughts, beliefs, and actions with your deepest desires. By harnessing the principles of manifestation, you can manifest not only an abundance of words on the page but also a growing readership, and increased royalties. (Who doesn’t want all of that, right?)

We’ll explore the fundamental aspects of manifestation and how they specifically apply to authors. We’ll delve into the art of setting clear intentions, cultivating a positive mindset, and aligning with abundance. We’ll also discuss powerful visualization techniques, taking inspired action, and building an engaged readership.

In addition, we’ll address the financial aspects of manifestation, guiding you on strategies to boost book sales, generate multiple streams of income, and create prosperity as an author. Moreover, we’ll navigate the challenges that come with the writing journey, equipping you with tools to overcome obstacles, rejection, and self-doubt.

Whether you’re an aspiring writer seeking guidance or an established author looking to amplify your success, it’s my intention (see what I did there) that this blog will provide you with practical techniques, insights, and inspiration to manifest your writing dreams into reality. It’s time to tap into your innate creative power, shift your mindset, and embrace the abundance that awaits you.

Get ready to embark on a transformative journey of manifestation, as we explore the path to more words, readership, and royalties. Let’s begin the exciting adventure of manifesting your writing success together!

Understanding Manifestation

Manifestation is the process of bringing your desires and intentions into physical reality through the power of your thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and actions.

In essence, it’s turning your thoughts into things.

It involves aligning your inner world with your outer world to create the outcomes you desire.

For authors, manifestation goes beyond simply writing words on a page; it encompasses the ability to attract success, recognition, and abundance in your writing career. All of which are powerful. 

The power of thoughts and beliefs

Your thoughts and beliefs play a pivotal role in the manifestation process. They act as seeds that shape your reality. When you hold positive, empowering thoughts and beliefs about your writing abilities and potential success, you create a fertile ground for the manifestation of what you desire. On the flip side, negative and limiting thoughts can hinder your progress and manifest undesired outcomes. (Ask me how I know!)

By becoming aware of your thoughts and actively cultivating a positive mindset, you can harness the power of your thoughts to manifest the author career you envision.

Law of Attraction and its Relevance to Authors

The Law of Attraction is a universal principle that states “likes are attracted to likes.”

In essence, the energy you emit through your thoughts, emotions, and beliefs attracts corresponding experiences and circumstances into your life. Consider it your perceptual filter.

As an author, understanding and applying the Law of Attraction can be a game-changer. By aligning your thoughts, emotions, and beliefs with the success and abundance you seek, you can draw in the right opportunities, resources, and readership to support your writing journey. The Law of Attraction empowers you to become a deliberate creator of your writing career, allowing you to manifest more than you ever thought possible. 

In the next section, we will delve deeper into the process of setting clear intentions and crafting affirmations and visualizations that will support your manifestation journey as an author. By understanding the fundamental principles of manifestation and how they apply to your writing aspirations, you’ll gain the tools necessary to manifest your words faster, attract a larger readership, and enjoy the royalties you deserve. Because we all want that, right?

Setting Clear Intentions

Setting clear intentions begins with identifying specific and meaningful author goals. Take the time to reflect on what you truly desire to achieve as an author. Are you aiming to complete a novel, publish a series, or build a successful author platform? Do you want to be a bestselling author? A 6-figure author? A MILLIONAIRE author?

Define your objectives in terms of word count, publishing milestones, or any other measurable metrics that align with your aspirations. By clarifying your goals, you provide a clear direction for your manifestation efforts. This is the focus necessary to bring the energy of the universe to your aid.

Crafting affirmations and visualizations

Affirmations and visualizations are powerful tools for programming your subconscious mind and aligning it with your writing goals. Craft positive, present-tense affirmations that reflect your desired outcomes as if they have already been achieved. For example, “I am a prolific and successful author, effortlessly creating captivating stories that resonate with readers.” Repeat these affirmations daily, locking into the FEELING of having already become that author, to reinforce your belief in your writing abilities and the manifestation of your goals.

Complement your affirmations with visualizations. Close your eyes and vividly imagine yourself living your writing dreams. Visualize yourself typing away, receiving positive reviews, and seeing your book displayed in bookstores. Engage all your senses to make the visualization as real and detailed as possible. This practice helps imprint your goals into your subconscious mind and boosts your manifestation process.

Now, if you find this process difficult for you, I do have an incredible friend, Tammy Tyree, who is a Board Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and she has recorded some incredible guided self-hypnosis for my courses on manifestation for authors. Her work, combined with my teaching, journal prompts, and meditations can help you get your subconscious on board faster than you thought possible. Click here to check those out.

Creating a vision board for writing success

A vision board is a tangible representation of your goals and desires. It serves as a visual reminder of what you want to manifest and when. Collect images, quotes, and symbols that resonate with your author career (and life!).

You can include pictures of your favorite authors, book covers that inspire you, and locations that evoke the settings of your stories. Arrange these elements on a physical board or create a digital version using online tools or apps, like Canva.

For this year’s live Millionaire Author Manifestation cohort, we had everyone create their own vision boards. Some were low-tech, crafted from magazine clippings and newspapers, as we discussed above. Others were digital, like mine. If you’d like to use mine as a template to springboard your own vision board, click here to snag it

Display your vision board in a prominent place where you can see it every day. (I have mine as my computer desktop.) Spend a few moments each day connecting with the images and feelings it evokes. Let it serve as a constant reminder of your writing goals and the reality you are actively creating. Your vision board will keep you focused, motivated, and aligned with your intentions, while also sending powerful signals to the universe about what you desire to manifest.

By setting clear intentions, crafting affirmations, visualizing success, and creating a vision board, you empower yourself to manifest your writing goals. In the next section, we will explore how cultivating a positive mindset can further enhance your manifestation journey as an author.

Cultivating a Positive Mindset

Self-doubt and limiting beliefs can hinder your manifestation efforts as an author. It’s essential to identify and challenge these negative thoughts that undermine your confidence and potential. Practice self-awareness and catch yourself when negative self-talk arises, because those thoughts are liars. Replace them with positive affirmations and counter them with evidence of your past achievements or positive feedback from readers. Remind yourself that everything is working out for you.

Surround yourself with a supportive network of fellow authors or join writing communities to gain encouragement and inspiration. By actively working on overcoming self-doubt and limiting beliefs, you create a fertile ground for positive manifestation. 

Developing a gratitude practice for writing

Gratitude is a powerful mindset that can significantly impact your writing journey. Cultivate a gratitude practice by regularly acknowledging and appreciating the blessings and successes in your writing life. Take a few moments each day to reflect on what you’re grateful for in your writing process, such as the joy of storytelling, the opportunity to connect with readers, or the progress you’ve made so far. This practice shifts your focus from scarcity to abundance, attracting more positive experiences and amplifying your manifestation efforts.

Reframe Any Thoughts That Don’t Feel Good

Look, we all have times when the thoughts in our head aren’t as positive as we’d like. When I first started out as an author, I spent a long time feeling like NOTHING I was doing was working. And you know what that brought into my reality? That’s right, things that didn’t work. 

Now, when thoughts like that crop up, I immediately ask myself, “Is that really true?” Then I look for evidence that contradicts those limiting beliefs. 

I know my author career is growing. I have the numbers to back it up. I can see all of the books I’ve written over the past decade, so I know I’m making progress. 

Ultimately, it’s up to us to notice the limiting and negative beliefs so we can challenge them, reframe them into more positive thoughts, and then tap into the powerful feelings of those new better-feeling thoughts. 

Aligning with Abundance

A scarcity mindset is rooted in the belief that there is a limited supply of success, readership, and opportunities available to authors. Unfortunately, most indie authors feel this vibe hardcore. We’re literally stuck in the “starving artist” mentality. 

To align with abundance, it’s essential to recognize and release this mindset. Replace thoughts of lack and scarcity with thoughts of abundance, joy, and an abundance of opportunities. Remind yourself that there are thousands of readers, tons of publishing avenues, and a myriad of possibilities for success. Shift your focus towards the infinite potential that exists in the writing world, allowing yourself to tap into the limitless abundance available to you.

Attracting abundance through a prosperity mindset

Cultivating a prosperity mindset involves adopting a positive and expansive outlook on your writing career. Embrace the belief that abundance is your natural state as an author. Growth and expansion are your trajectories always. Up and up only, right?!

Affirm that you deserve success, recognition, and financial abundance for your creative work. Emphasize thoughts of abundance, success, and fulfillment in your daily affirmations and visualizations. As you align your thoughts and emotions with prosperity, you become a magnet for opportunities, resources, and abundance in your writing journey.

Practical tips for financial manifestation as an author

Financial abundance is an integral part of manifesting success as an author. I get it. We all want more money so we can experience the FREEDOM it brings.

Explore practical strategies to manifest financial prosperity, such as setting income goals, diversifying your income streams, and adopting sound financial management practices. Consider monetizing your writing through various avenues for book sales (wide, Amazon exclusive, serialized fiction, paperback sales, audiobooks, etc.), speaking engagements, online courses, or freelance writing opportunities. Stay open to partnerships, collaborations, and sponsorship opportunities that can enhance your financial abundance. By taking proactive steps to align your writing career with financial abundance, you create a solid foundation for sustained success and prosperity.

Aligning with abundance is a transformative step towards manifesting a successful and prosperous author career. By releasing a scarcity mindset, embracing a prosperity mindset, and implementing practical financial strategies, you create a fertile environment for abundance to flow into your writing journey.

Taking Inspired Action

Taking inspired action is what I like to consider step 3 in the manifestational process. Step 1 is you DECIDE on what you want. Step 2 is you TRUST you can have it. Step 3 is taking the INSPIRED ACTION that brings the manifestation to you. 

In order to take inspired action and not just action, you have to get yourself into alignment with your goals. (Step 2.) By trusting whatever you wanted is yours, you aren’t putting any resistance in the way of receiving it. Now, the universe can send you the guidance that helps you make the magic happen. 

In essence, your only job here is to stay open to any new thoughts, ideas, and opportunities that arise while in this state of receptivity. Then you BELIEVE and trust that any action you take is enough. 

There’s no room for second-guessing here, my friend. You gotta believe it’s yours. 

And it will be.


The process of manifestation is a forever thing. You will learn this concept over and over throughout your life and that’s okay. We’re here to dig deeper and deeper until it becomes a core piece of who we are. 

I’ve always been interested in manifestation and Law of Attraction and I’m STILL learning it. It’s STILL going deeper for me. 

So, don’t beat yourself up if you fall out of alignment or forget you have the power to create your reality. It happens to all of us. 

But just know, the simple intention of realigning is enough to get you back on track. Visualize yourself on the other side of the confusion and feel the clarity that comes with it. Trust that the clarity and alignment is yours, and it will be. 

That’s what’s so powerful about all of this. When we lock our sights in on something and DECIDE, we’ve created the focus we need to move those mountains. 

Celebrating Success and Gratitude

One thing I want to touch on before I go (I promise, I’m almost done), is the concept of gratitude. 

If you’re in the indie author space, you know that it’s very easy to slip into the mentality of “done and next.” We’re all about those checkboxes, so we finish a book and immediately move on to the next one. 

This mentality is hindering your ability to bring in more joy through your books and career. Unless you can celebrate your wins, and celebrate the evidence of success as it happens, the universe doesn’t know to give you more of the same! 

Remember that Law of Attraction thing? Well, as you vibe with success, and celebrate the accomplishments you’ve just brought into reality, you’re vibing with more success and more accomplishments! You’re basically saying, “Bring me more of this, Universe!” 

I used to suck at celebrating my wins. (Who am I kidding? I’m still working on it!) But I do realize how important it is and I work at being more present each time I finish a book, launch a book, or accomplish something. I want the universe to know I appreciate all that’s come my way and I’m calling in more of it. 

I want you to give it a try, too. Look for evidence of your success. Sometimes, when we’re in mid-manifestation, it can be hard to see whether or not our efforts are paying off. But if you ASSUME they are (holla, Law of Assumption!), then it is. So be grateful and assume away! 🙂 


In this blog, we’ve explored the fundamental principles of manifestation and how they can be applied to the world of authors. By understanding and harnessing the power of manifestation, you have the ability to manifest more words, attract a larger readership, and enjoy the royalties you deserve.

Aligning with abundance involves recognizing and releasing a scarcity mindset, adopting a prosperity mentality, and implementing practical strategies for financial manifestation as an author. By shifting your focus towards abundance and taking inspired action, you create a fertile ground for success and opportunities to flourish.

As you embark on your manifestation journey as an author, remember that manifestation is a continuous process that requires patience, dedication, and belief in your abilities. Trust in the power of your thoughts, emotions, and actions to manifest the writing career and success you desire.

By applying the principles and techniques discussed in this blog, you’re equipped with the tools to manifest so much more than just your incredibly successful author career. Embrace the power of manifestation and unleash the full potential of your writing aspirations.

If you’d like to go deeper into the concept of manifestation with me, I have a number of courses available for authors:

  1. Abundant Author Activation
  2. Abundant Author Alignment
  3. Millionaire Author Challenge
  4. Millionaire Author Manifestation

Whether you feel called to enroll or not, I want you to know that your successful journey as an author is my #1 priority. Your stories matter. Your success matters. 

I’m rooting for you! 

Happy manifesting, and may your writing journey be filled with abundance and success!

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